Monday, 29 November 2010

Dear Mr Angry Taxi Driver

Dear Mr Angry Taxi Driver,

Following out little contre-temps on Goodge Street this evening I just wanted to clarify a few things. I am sorry that you think that, as I am not sporting a tax disc upon my bicycle, I don't deserve to be on the road. However, I wonder if perhaps you might have more luck bringing this up directly with the government?From my limited experience, shouting at individuals with a vehemence that leads to them receiving a face full of spit doesn't tend to engender swift policy change in a democracy.

Also, I deduce from the fact that you threatened to deliberately run me over after I (politely, smilingly) asked you not to park in the cyclists' green advance stop zone, that you might be a little stressed? Death threats are not usual on my perfectly legal ride to work, but I'm sure you had your reasons. Perhaps a little light exercise might bring down your blood pressure? A weekend jolly on a bicycle perhaps? The fresh air and endorphins would do you no end of good, and potentially make the world a better place for the people who share the road with you.

I hope you have a better journey tomorrow, and no hard feelings.

Yours Sincerely,

Girl and Steed

p.s. I had some trouble calming down Trusty (the steed in question) who was especially irate at your bad language (he has a sensitive temperament) but I explained that it is a very hard life shut in a metal box thinking about the problems with immigrants. He is a free-range bicycle you see, so he didn't understand. 


  1. I guess that's a tip for every taxi driver !

  2. Driving around London all day must be an awful way to make a living. I've had a fair few sweary taxi drivers (but unlike you, I'm very sweary back). I figure they just want someone to shout at and we're the most easily accessible, as well as not being much affected by traffic jams or other driving stresses.

  3. Taxi drivers in general think they have a right to the road being bad mannered and rood to all users. Cyclist seem to bare the brunt of it as they perceived to vulnerable. In the days of ctc cameras he his days are limited.
    So take action and report the so and so( in writting ), and make them behave.
    Happy cycling

  4. I'd point the angry gentleman to this site -, though I fear that a reasoned discussion would be a novel concept to the poor chap.

  5. When I am driving a car (very rarely, nowadays) I find London taxi drivers to be really annoying and pushy, but on the whole when I am on a bike I find them to be more considerate than many other drivers. White vans are perhaps the worst?
